5G Network Architecture. Core, RAN, & Security Architecture For 5G

purpose – It supports different application scenarios by rendering DC-based architecture and at the same time fulfils several service requirements by providing independent network slicing on a single interface. Let us now delve a little deeper into the concept of 5G network architecture and learn more about 5G Core an https://easysuger.com/architecture, RAN architecture, and its security features.


5G Core Architecture

If you were thinking where does 5G network architecture gets its improved throughput from, your answer lies here – 5G Core. It is the basis of the new specification associated with 5G. According to 3GPP, 5G Core architecture works on service-based architecture that runs across the 5G network architecture, including all its interactions and functions – session management, authentication, end device traffic, and security to name a few. It emphasises Network Function Virtualization (NFV) as a design concept that is integral to the entire architecture. It also simplifies the deployment of virtualised software functions with the help of Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), an essential element of 5G network architecture.

5G Network RAN Architecture

Radio Access Network (RAN) utilises NFV and its features through O-RAN and other similar alliances that emphasise network dis-aggregation. The flexibility associated with 5G network architecture has got a lot to do with this extension of NFV to RAN. It is also responsible for the scalable arrangement of new technology and features by providing open-source development, providing competition with new opportunities, and more. O-RAN promotes faster and easier inter-operability by allowing multi-vendor deployment. It also provides a means to track and enhance the user experience by enabling network elements to be virtualised. The virtualisation of RAN elements brings mo